So what's next? I moved to Nashville almost two months ago, and have been working in a music therapy-related field. This is what I worked toward for years. Was it worth it? Yes! I love what I do. I love my clients. They are the reason I drag my butt to work every day. It sure ain't for the money. And I would like more opportunities for hands-on stuff with clients. I spend a goodly portion of my day in meetings that get bogged down in minutia, and doing paper work. Such is life when most of your clients are served my Medicaid. I have come to the conclusion that Medicaid exists for one purpose, and that is to take the life of innocent trees! I stay buried in paper most of the time. My work is rewarding because what I do matters to my clients.
I shouldn't make comparisons between where I am now and the facility where I did my internship. But folks at the old place make quite a bit more than I do and I do about 3 times as much work. And I still don't get to do much hands-on stuff. A regular lunch hour would be appreciated as well. But no one else gets one, so I won't complain about that. There are a lot of things I would change if it were possible. But I can't, so I pray the "Serenity Prayer" a lot. And I also pray, as Father Tim in Jan Karon's Mitford Series does, "the prayer that never fails"--"thy will be done". Things may not be perfect, and no situation is. But God is teaching me about serving Him where I am, and remembering that my work is my calling. And while I don't know why He put me here, I am, as a good friend reminded me, strategically placed by God where He wants me. I will continue to seek Him about what He wants me to do, and ask Him to reveal His purpose for me here. And I will strive to give thanks for all things and be content in all things. And most of all, trust God with my future. I must remember that there is joy in the journey! Yours, Fannie Ryan
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