Thursday, January 26, 2006

I love classic films more than I love chocolate. Almost as much as I love reading. But I already wrote about books. So this is my treatise on film.
There are a few movies I love made after 1970, but not many. After all, films made after 1970 have no Cary Grant. Al Pacino pales in comparison (sorry, Method Mavens!) Cary Grant made acting look effortless, easy. He could say more with a facial expression than most actors can with dialogue (see "Arsenic and Old Lace").Of course, he wasn't a bit hard on the eyes. He was at the pinnicle of his beauty in 1954's "To Catch A Thief", when he was almost 50. Swoon!!
One Hitchcock film puts me in mind of another--1940s "Foreign Correspondent"with Joel McCrea. This is a great film, though not as well known as some of Hitch's other efforts. Gosh, was Joel McCrea ever a cutie! He had a great nose and wonderful chin. He was rugged--real manly! Not too many younger folks even know who he is. Other classic McCrea films are Preston Sturges' "Palm Beach Story"(1942), "Sullivan's Travels" (the exact year escapes me: early 40s) and my favorite, "The More the Merrier" from 1942.
McCrea was related by marriage to Jack Lemmon. Their kids got married. If I had to pick just one favorite actor, it would be Jack Lemmon. Don't ask me to pick my favorite performance, though. That isn't possible. How could I choose between "Some Like It Hots" bass-playing Daphne and Ensign Pulver throwing James Cagney's palm tree overboard? Or Bud Baxter from "The Apartment" and Felix Unger? Just can't do it. Jack, we miss you!
My favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn. She is luminous in "Funny Face". I just love to watch her. But I think I get even more pleasure from Ginger Rogers. She could eat some scenery! Just take a look at 1942s "The Major and The Minor". Billy Wilder directed this wonderfully funny film, as well what many consider to be the funniest movie ever made, the aforementioned, "Some Like It Hot", from 1959. As Joe E. Brown's character in this film, Osgood Fielding III said, "Zowee!" I laugh until I hurt every time I watch it. It should have won an Oscar.
I couldn't write about film and not mention my favorite film, "Casablanca". This movie has the whole package: the acting, the dialogue, the wonderful black and white cinematagraphy. I adore the ending. Lots of folks don't. I think I'll get it out and stick it in the VCR. But first, let's pop some popcorn.
Yours, Fannie Ryan

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Wow! I can't believe I finished my music therapy internship a month ago! I have had one interview (didn't get the job). I really didn't expect to get an interview this soon, and I didn't expect to get the first job I applied for. It would have been nice, but I don't think it was the job for me. If it had been, I would have gotten it.
The interview was in a major city near the small town where I interned, so after my interview, I went to visit. As I drove into town, I got a little lump in my throat, because this little town has become like home to me. I was so excited to be there! Leaving on Christmas Eve was very hard. I made several close friends, and had created a nice little niche for myself there. I went to a great church, sang in a superb community ensemble, and realized I found a place I could stay for a long time. So I was ecstatic to be back "home". And I had a great time--stayed two extra days! I needed to be there. The only hard part was having to leave.
The place where I grew up is OK. My family is there. And I love them very much. But it isn't my place anymore. I don't like the person I turn into when I live in my mother's house. I think for my mental health, I need to be somewhere else: somewhere around a half a day's drive away. Preferably, the place I consider to be "home" now. These new folks in my life are my family, too. They are as dear to me as my flesh and blood. And they love me. I think I could make a good life there. And Lord willing, I am going to try. There are no music therapy jobs there right now. But I am exloring all my options. Perhaps, with a little creativity, I can put something together that is workable. Wherever I am, I want to do music therapy contract work. And if something opens up where I interned, I already will be close by. Wish me luck and send up your prayers. God wants all of us to shine!
Yours, Fannie Ryan