Sunday, March 11, 2007

Well, it's March and I haven't written a blog entry since November. I am still working in Nashville, and have a reached a crossroads. I need a change (at least I think I do!) I am afraid that my dissatisfaction with my job may irreversibly affect my performance. I don't want that to happen. So I am putting out feelers. I had one interview (sort of). I thought I was going on an interview. What I did was take a 300 or so question test. It was mostly psych eval, but also included workplace ethics, basic English, and the most rediculous math questions I ever saw. Word to the wise: learn your math and keep it fresh. Yeah, I know--Unless you are a teacher or rocket scientist or planning on med school 99.9 % of it will never again show up in your daily life. But remember--some geekazoid somewhere has made up one of these tests for you to take. And he or she doesn't care if your career requires flexibility, creativity, and excellent people skills. The most important thing to El Geeko are fractions! Just be thankful, because if the Geek Squad had its way, calculus would be a prerequisite for working at McDonalds! So in case this happens to me again in my job search, I am going to find an elementary math book and bone up on stuff I haven't used in 30 years--that's how long ago I finished eighth grade. God, I hate math!