Take My Period, Please!
A few weeks ago the Birmingham (Alabama) News ran story about earth-friendly feminine hygiene products. Some of the offerings are organic cotton tampons and such, and some things that are uh, reusable. The writer interviewed a woman (perhaps she prefers womyn!) who made the switch to reusable products. Her choice was a cup (I guess it works sort of like a diaphragm) that is available on line. Other earth-friendly products are available at health food stores and other retailers specializing in natural foods and remedies.
I am glad these alternatives are available for women who want to use them. Women should have a choice. I did, however take issue with this woman's comments: she said that ideally, women should be able to go to a hut as per 3rd world and bleed in comfort until period is over. Women should stop seeing their period as a "curse" and just celebrate it, even enjoy it. Huh?
As a college student this woman belonged to a a group who called themselves the "Radical Bleeders". I'm not sure what they did when they got together. I don't think I want to know.
Here is what I do know: since she thinks having periods is so wonderful, then she can have my cramps, my bloating, my out-of whack emotions, my skin break-outs, sore breasts, and all the other" joys" of menstruation!
If there is one thing that ticks me off, it is a woman who is critical of choices other women make; be it about breastfeeding, homeschooling, family planning, natural or medicated births, etc. Here is a message to all of you out there who think you know what is best for the rest of us: get over yourselves. Mind your own business. Lose the self-righteous attitude. I don't feel like celebrating my period. I want to be knocked out if I ever have a baby. I may choose to remain child free. And much as I care about the environment, sorry chicks, when it comes to feminine protection, it's disposable for me!