Crazyand Normal. My music therapy prof. says there is no such thing as "crazy" and "normal". Only diagnosed and undiagnosed. I just started an internship at a psychiatric facility, and even some of the staff are a little cracked--but in a good way!
If someone had told me 10 years ago that I would leave my career, go back to school, major in music therapy and intern at a mental hospital, I would have laughed--hard. I have always made a point of staying away from mental hospitals. Those who know me might say I saw myself in the patients. That is probably true, but I am also just plain scared of the unknown. But here I am. God has an "out there" sense of humor.
There have been times over the past week that I have asked myself, "what in the sam hill have I gotten myself into? Can I really help these people?" That's why the professor's wise words comfort me. I don't have to be totally sane myself (thank God!) to be a good therapist. 12 step programs tell you to "act as if". So I will act like I know what I'm doing. In scripture the Psalmist tells us to "trust the Lord and not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path". I will repeat that until I believe it. I will remember that I am a ragamuffin. My clients are ragmuffins. God will use me in this place not in spite of weaknesses, but because of them. Let's see where this takes me....
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