Thursday, November 02, 2006

In my reflections on the past year, it suddenly dawned on me that 10 months have passed since I finished my music therapy internship--longer than the 6 month it took to complete the internship. I have been working at my job as long as I interned. The time has flown. I would be lying if I said I was entirely happy in my work situation. The reasons are many--I am not paid enough, our corporate people micromanage; the main reason is there are no opportunities to do real music therapy. I do recreational music groups but not therapeutic groups. I feel like I am losing my touch. The bright spot are my clients. I guess I love what I do, just not the company I work for. The sad part is that I am ready to quit and do something that is in an unrelated field. I am not abandoning my career and my calling. I just want to let go of the stress of my present situation so I can do my calling. If I apply for this other job and get it, I will have time to build a private music therapy practice, or at least time to look for a full time job in my field because this new thing is strictly 9-5, no weekends. Some of my time would be my own again. But here is the thing: I believe with all my heart that God sent me here for a purpose. He has not revealed to me all of that purpose. I know there is something that I have to do here that is still undone. Or maybe something I have to learn. I want to say, "hurry, Lord, and show me so I can get out of here!" Then his still, small voice says, "wait on me". And I say, "Lord, I am no Isaiah. I am no Moses. Your children waited 40 years in the wilderness." Then he reminds me, "if they had waited on me and listened to me, the wait wouldn't have been so long." So here I am, Lord, asking for ears to hear, and to ask you for the willingness to do your will and leading. It's time to watch and pray on wait on God.